Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Geotic - Mend

Download: Geotic - Mend (.zip)
1. Unwind
2. Beaming Husband
3. Find Your Peace
4. Time Passes In a Slow Sundown
5. Disrobe and Come to Bed
6. Get Held
7. Sleep and We'll Transition
8. Into Some Spirit World
9. Our Awe
10. The Sprawling, Glorious Newness
11. I'll Have Come and Gone With You
12. Through the Lush and Undiscovered
13. And Upon Awakening
14. We've Mended

New full-length album [48:22],
made between (12.26.10) and (12.30.10).
Sort of a spirit successor to the Geotic album 'Hearth.'
Cover is an Optomap Retinal Photo of my left eye.
Pitchfork posted a gracious review of the album as well.
Enjoy :)

Geotic is the side project of Will Wiesenfeld, who you may know as Baths. If you don’t now you should bloody well go and find out! This project is a lot more minimal and ambient then his output as Baths but still a really good listen. for more check this out

1 comment:

  1. such great backround music.... its wonderful for chillin out and/or getting stuff done too...
