Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ghostland Observatory

Ghostland Observatory is an American music duo based in AustinTexas. Their music has been described as a combination of electrorock and funkby Allmusic, and "electro-dance soul rock" by Gothamist.

Front man Aaron Behrens provides vocals in addition to occasionally playing the guitar. Thomas Ross Turner plays the drums or synthesizer.
Robotique Majestique was released on February 29, 2008
  1. "Opening Credits"
  2. "Heavy Heart"
  3. "No Place for Me"
  4. "Freeheart Lover"
  5. "Dancing on my Grave"
  6. "Robotique Majestique"
  7. "The Band Marches On"
  8. "Holy Ghost White Noise"
  9. "HFM"
  10. "Club Soda"

Click here to download

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